

Apr 10, 2010

Glenn Beck's empire: By the numbers

Beck's company turned an astounding $32 million annual profit, reports Forbes. Here's how the man — and his empire — stack up numerically

Best Opinion:  Forbes, Huff. Po., Business Insider, Daily Kos
Since 2002, Glenn Beck has transformed himself from a Top-40 radio DJ into one of America's most successful and controversial media figures. The 46-year-old's empire embraces highly profitable television and radio talk shows, a string of best-selling books, and a flourishing website — all part of Beck's media company, Mercury Radio Arts, which earned an eight-figure profit last year, according to Forbes. Here's by-the-numbers look at Planet Beck:
$32 million
Total profit made by Glenn Beck's Mercury Radio Arts media company in the past 12 months
Number of full-time staffers Beck employs

Number of books released by Beck since 2007, including Arguing with Idiots and America's March to Socialism

Number of those books that hit #1 on The New York Times best-seller list

Number that are childrens books
Cost of a two-year subscription to Glenn Beck's Fusion magazine (motto: "Enlighten and entertain")
$13 millionAnnual revenue from book and magazine sales
Price of an "Insider Extreme" subscription to (including access to "exclusive documentaries")

2.6 million
Nightly viewership of Beck's Fox News show, which is co-produced by Mercury Radio Arts
Advertisers — including UPS, Sprint and GEICO — that have decided to boycott Beck's TV show based on his controversial comments (most notably the assertion that President Obama has "a deep-seeded hatred for white people")
Sponsors who've reversed their decision to boycott Beck
Number of Glenn Beck DVDs (including his "live stage show of funny, heartwarming Christmas tales")

Number of audio CDs (including Fat Fat Fatties, Unite! and Why Hollywood is Better than You)

$4 million
Annual revenue from online ad sales and merchandise (such as the Glenn Beck "'Restoring Honor' doormat")
$3 million
Revenue from speaking engagements and event appearances
Stations that carry Beck’s nationally-syndicated radio show, The Glenn Beck Program
9 million
Weekly audience for his radio show
$50 million
Sum guaranteed to Beck by his 5-year contract with Premier Radio Networks
Age at which Beck made his radio debut on a Washington State oldies station after winning a contest

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